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Comprehensive and Holistic

Hill Country结合医学的重点是帮助您找到健康挑战的根本原因. 我们相信以病人为中心的方法,而不是以疾病或症状为导向的模式. 我们致力于将最具创新性的治疗方案纳入实践. 我们相信,只要给予适当的基础支持,身体就有天生的自愈能力.

We focus on your individual needs, risks, 和目标,同时帮助你制定一个全面的健康计划. 各种各样的健康问题可以通过整体方法来解决,例如:自身免疫性疾病, food and seasonal allergies, headache, mood disorders, diabetes, thyroid disorders, fatigue, male and female hormone imbalance, adrenal fatigue, fibromyalgia, weight problems, and digestive issues.



我们很荣幸能参与每一位患者的健康之旅. Call now and let us help you on your journey.

Discover Your Body's

Full Potential

Our Team

Dr. Christa O'Leary, D.O.

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Dr. O'Leary obtained a B.S. 以优异成绩从达拉斯大学获得生物学学位. 她选择了德克萨斯骨科医学院,因为它的“全人”方法. What is Osteopathic Medicine?

美高梅官方网站app在斯科特和怀特纪念医院完成了实习和住院医师, located in Temple, Texas. 她完成了家庭医学的董事会认证,并在Colleyville执业, TX for eight years.

After a few years in practice, the frustration Dr. O'Leary experienced with the current U.S. 医学模式促使她寻找替代的治疗方法. 她在新西兰行医,并被介绍给当地毛利药用植物, mind-body practices, and holistic care.

Upon return to the U.S., she sought out functional, regenerative, 并获得了中西医结合课程委员会颁发的证书 Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine.

This journey through varied health and medical models, along with an insatiable desire to learn new things, has created the framework for Dr. O'Leary's practice. 通过祈祷和神圣的智慧,我们的病人得以康复.

Dr. Tara Boyd, ND*

​Dr. Boyd was born and raised in West Texas, 他是第三代医生,很小的时候就爱上了医学.

She has a passion for tackling the toughest cases head-on, 并将她的医疗实践重点放在患有慢性疾病和儿童神经系统疾病的儿童身上,包括自闭症谱系障碍, PANDAS/PANS, ADHD, and Epilepsy. Prior to attending naturopathic medical school, Dr. 博伊德花了10多年的时间为客户提供按摩/身体按摩和咨询美高梅下载. 她知道没有一种方法适合每一个人,所以她接受了包括环境医学在内的各种模式的培训, Autonomic Response Testing, herbal medicine, homeopathy, nutrition, Psycho Kinesiology, IV therapy, Neural Therapy, Kiniep Hydrotherapy, Craniosacral and Visceral Manipulation. No matter the person or pathology that walks through the door, her goal is simple, 教育和授权患者找到终身健康和活力.

Dr. Boyd is a board-certified naturopathic Doctor, obtaining her medical degree from Bastyr University, 她拥有位于阿比林的哈丁-西蒙斯大学的生物学和生物化学学士学位, TX.  She is a member of the NAEM, AANP, TXAND, WPSR. 她是一个真正的自然爱好者,她的空闲时间都花在园艺上, hiking with her dog Chewbacca, skiing, and ballroom dancing with her husband.

*德克萨斯州不允许自然疗法行医.  Dr. Boyd完成了Bastyr大学完全认可的4年制博士课程, passed the NPLEX board exam, and is licensed in the states of Washington and California.  在德克萨斯州,她担任自然疗法健康顾问,不诊断或治疗疾病.

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Charity Lawson, M.S., CNS 

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Charity Lawson是一名临床营养师,拥有布里奇波特大学人类营养学硕士学位, CT.  她擅长功能医学方法,为客户提供个性化的营养处方. 她知道自己是一个什么样的病人,并努力为她的客户提供一个安全和个性化的体验. 她热衷于帮助他人释放饮食和生活方式的力量来治愈身体.

Meet Dr. Christa O'Leary
Why Integrative Medicine

Why Integrative Medicine? 

We can help with

Better digestion means better energy! Give your body the tools it needs to regenerate and grow.


Sick and tired of being sick and tired? Your body is trying to tell you something.


We help you prevent chronic disease by being proactive. 向持久活力问好,向现代毒素说再见.

Hormonal Balance

There's plenty of reasons our hormones get out of balance. 我们会一起把事情弄清楚,这样你就能感到精力充沛, sleep better, and get rid of those pesky mood swings.

Weight Loss





“美高梅官方网站app和希尔国综合医院的全体员工都是来到这个世界上的天使. 我对自己身体的感觉总是被倾听和考虑. 即使其他医生说她没事,她也相信我. I can't imagine life without her or this clinic. If you're ready to live optimally, this is where you start.”

— Lauren Wise



Nutritional Genetic Testing

你有没有想过为什么你的体重和你朋友的体重大不相同,但你们的饮食却非常相似?  或者为什么你有糖尿病,而你的邻居尽管饮食习惯不好却没有?  那我们在忍受压力事件时所看到的差异呢?


Full Spectrum Infrared Sauna

We live in a toxic world. Some toxins we can avoid, while others we can't. 支持你的身体进行自然排毒是最重要的. 定期的红外线桑拿对任何健康养生都是有益的.


Nutrition Services

我们的营养计划的重点是解决一个人的健康问题的根本原因,而不是专注于诊断. 我们致力于根据人的生化个性制定个性化的营养方案.

Herbal Medicine

Supplements & Vitamins

Not all supplements are created equal. As a service to our patients, we curate the highest of quality. 看看我们的最佳选择,或者让你的维生素送货上门.


IV Therapy & Injections

科学研究告诉我们,我们大多数人都缺乏必需的营养物质, vitamins and minerals, 这可能是因为我们每天都接触到大量的毒素.  Through IV Therapy and Injections, 我们帮助您补充减肥和最佳健康所需的必需营养素.


Advanced Lab Testing

我们孜孜不倦地工作,以帮助每位患者获得他们需要的测试来找到答案, at the best price available for each situation. 我们一起发现你身体的内部运作,以及什么疗法将是最有益的.


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